Wednesday, May 16, 2007

am drunk bitchesssss

yay f9r alcohol'

yay for alc0h0l tha ti s purchased by other people

work peoplet hat are reps

i won't ever give them business but they can give me halibut\\

halibut rocks

halibut! but not haalliburton. because halliburton = diciikk cheney = bad. plus MC rove which is also bad; if you arfe a politician you AR YOUOR BRAND STUPID and rapping for middle age white men = bad. what staffer lsot their jobb over that incident?! haha

oktired n ow

*EDITED TO ADD: OMG you guys I am laughing hysterically because I TOTALLY FORGOT about this. I didn't realize I had written a drunk post until I saw the comments in my inbox this morning. freaking hilarious. E, I will do my best to drunk-blog more often. dear lord above. okay, back to work now*


At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THink this is my favorite entry ever!! How are you feeling this morning?? We need to catch up!
Lauren T.

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Erica said...

please blog while drunk more often! you are hilarious.

At 10:52 AM, Blogger L Sass said...


Halibut DOES rock.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Will said...

Best post ever.

E got some fantastico halibut at Hook, a new hip restaurant in G'town, Tuesday night. Yum.

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who the hell blogs about dick cheney and halliburton when drunk? you crazy. i love you.


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