am drunk bitchesssss
yay f9r alcohol'
yay for alc0h0l tha ti s purchased by other people
work peoplet hat are reps
i won't ever give them business but they can give me halibut\\
halibut rocks
halibut! but not haalliburton. because halliburton = diciikk cheney = bad. plus MC rove which is also bad; if you arfe a politician you AR YOUOR BRAND STUPID and rapping for middle age white men = bad. what staffer lsot their jobb over that incident?! haha
oktired n ow
*EDITED TO ADD: OMG you guys I am laughing hysterically because I TOTALLY FORGOT about this. I didn't realize I had written a drunk post until I saw the comments in my inbox this morning. freaking hilarious. E, I will do my best to drunk-blog more often. dear lord above. okay, back to work now*
THink this is my favorite entry ever!! How are you feeling this morning?? We need to catch up!
Lauren T.
please blog while drunk more often! you are hilarious.
Halibut DOES rock.
Best post ever.
E got some fantastico halibut at Hook, a new hip restaurant in G'town, Tuesday night. Yum.
who the hell blogs about dick cheney and halliburton when drunk? you crazy. i love you.
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